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Zbigniew Grabowski

Grabowski, Zbigniew J., Timon McPhearson, and Steward T. A. Pickett. 2023. “Transforming US Urban Green Infrastructure Planning to Address Equity”. Landscape and Urban Planning 229. Elsevier BV: 104591. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2022.104591.
Grabowski, Zbigniew J., Katinka Wijsman, Claudia Tomateo, and Timon McPhearson. 2022. “How Deep Does Justice Go? Addressing Ecological, Indigenous, and Infrastructural Justice through Nature-Based Solutions in New York City”. Environmental Science &Amp; Policy 138. Elsevier BV: 171-81. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2022.09.022.
McPhearson, Timon, Elizabeth M. Cook, Marta Berbés-Blázquez, Chingwen Cheng, Nancy B. Grimm, Erik Andersson, Olga Barbosa, et al. 2022. “A Social-Ecological-Technological Systems Framework for Urban Ecosystem Services”. One Earth 5 (5). Elsevier BV: 505-18. doi:10.1016/j.oneear.2022.04.007.
Grabowski, Zbigniew J., Timon McPhearson, Marissa Matsler, Peter M. Groffman, and Steward T. A. Pickett. 2022. “What Is Green Infrastructure? A Study of Definitions in US City Planning”. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. Wiley. doi:10.1002/fee.2445.
Matsler, Marissa, Zbigniew J. Grabowski, and AD Elder. 2021. “The Multifaceted Geographies of Green Infrastructure Policy and Planning: Socio-Environmental Dreams, Nightmares, and Amnesia INTRODUCTION”. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY & PLANNING 23 (5): 559-64. doi:10.1080/1523908X.2021.1976565.
Matsler, Marissa, Zbigniew J. Grabowski, and Alison D. Elder. 2021. “The Multifaceted Geographies of Green Infrastructure Policy and Planning: Socio-Environmental Dreams, Nightmares, and Amnesia”. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 23 (5). Informa UK Limited: 559-64. doi:10.1080/1523908x.2021.1976565.
Hoover, Fushcia-Ann, Sara Meerow, Zbigniew J. Grabowski, and Timon McPhearson. 2021. “Environmental Justice Implications of Siting Criteria in Urban Green Infrastructure Planning”. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning. Informa UK Limited, 1-18. doi:10.1080/1523908x.2021.1945916.
Grabowski, Zbigniew J., Ariana M Chiapella, Manar A Alattar, Ashlie D Denton, Mary Ann Rozance, and Elise F Granek. 2019. “Trade-Offs by Whom for Whom? A Response to Calow”. BioScience. Oxford University Press (OUP). doi:10.1093/biosci/biz129.
Grabowski, Zbigniew J., Zion Klos, and Chad Monfreda. 2019. “Enhancing Urban Resilience Knowledge Systems through Experiential Pluralism”. Environmental Science & Policy 96: 70-76. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2019.03.007.