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Dexter Locke

Locke, Dexter, Amanda Lucas, Colleen Murphy-Dunning, Dawn Henning, Giovanni Zinn, and . 2021. “Contextual Considerations of Green Stormwater Infrastructure Siting”. Cities and the Environment. doi:10.15365/cate.2021.140202.
Ogden, Laura A., Carissa Aoki, Morgan Grove, Nancy Falxa Sonti, William Hall, Dexter Locke, Steward T. A. Pickett, Miriam Avins, Katie Lautar, and John Lagrosa. 2019. “Forest Ethnography: An Approach to Study the Environmental History and Political Ecology of Urban Forests”. Urban Ecosystems 22 (1): 49-63. doi:10.1007/s11252-018-0744-z.