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Michelle Hersh

Clark, James S., D.M. Bell, C.R. Chu, B. Courbaud, Michael C. Dietze, Michelle H. Hersh, Janneke Hille Ris Lambers, et al. 2010. “High Dimensional Coexistence Based on Individual Variation: A Synthesis of Evidence”. Ecol. Monog. 80: 569-608.
Ibanez, Inés, James S. Clark, Michael C. Dietze, Ken Feeley, Michelle H. Hersh, Shannon L. LaDeau, Allen McBride, Nathan E. Welch, and Michael S. Wolosin. 2006. “Predicting Biodiversity Change: Outside the Climate Envelope, Beyond the Species-Area Curve”. Ecology 87 (8): 1896-1906. doi:10.1890/0012-9658(2006)87[1896:PBCOTC]2.0.CO;2.