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C. Salk

Clark, James S., D.M. Bell, Michelle H. Hersh, M. Kwit, E.V. Moran, C. Salk, A. Stine, D. Valle, and K. Zhu. 2011. “Individual-Scale Variation, Species-Scale Differences: Inference Needed to Understand Diversity”. Ecol. Lett. 14: 1273-87. doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2011.01685.x.
Clark, James S., D.M. Bell, C.R. Chu, B. Courbaud, Michael C. Dietze, Michelle H. Hersh, Janneke Hille Ris Lambers, et al. 2010. “High Dimensional Coexistence Based on Individual Variation: A Synthesis of Evidence”. Ecol. Monog. 80: 569-608.