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J.W. Hornbeck

Campbell, John L., J.W. Hornbeck, Myron J. Mitchell, M.B. Adams, M.S. Castro, Charles T. Driscoll, J.S. Kahl, et al. 2004. “Input-Output Budgets of Inorganic Nitrogen for 24 Forest Watersheds in the Northeastern United States: A Review”. Water Air Soil Pollut. 151: 373-96.
Likens, Gene E., Donald C. Buso, and J.W. Hornbeck. 2002. “Variation in Chemistry of Stream Water and Bulk Deposition across the Hubbard Brook Valley, New Hampshire, USA”. Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol. 28: 402-9.
Mitchell, Myron J., B. Mayer, Scott W. Bailey, J.W. Hornbeck, C. Alewell, Charles T. Driscoll, and Gene E. Likens. 2001. “Use of Stable Isotope Ratios for Evaluating Sulfur Sources and Losses at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest”. Water Air Soil Pollut. 130: 75-86.
Campbell, John L., J.W. Hornbeck, William H. McDowell, Donald C. Buso, J.B. Shanley, and Gene E. Likens. 2000. “Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Budgets for Upland, Forested Ecosystems in New England”. Biogeochemistry 49: 123-42.
Martin, C.W., J.W. Hornbeck, Gene E. Likens, and Donald C. Buso. 2000. “Impacts of Intensive Harvesting on Hydrology and Nutrient Dynamics of Northern Hardwood Forests”. Can. J. For. Res. 57: 19-29.
Hornbeck, J.W., Scott W. Bailey, Donald C. Buso, and J.B. Shanley. 1997. “Streamwater Chemistry and Nutrient Budgets for Forested Watersheds in New England: Variability and Management Implications”. For. Ecol. Manage 93: 73-89.
Baird, S. F., Donald C. Buso, and J.W. Hornbeck. 1987. “Acid Pulses from Snowmelt at Acidic Cone Pond, New Hampshire”. Water Air Soil Pollut. 34: 325-38.
Hornbeck, J.W., C.W. Martin, R.S. Pierce, F.H. Bormann, Gene E. Likens, and J.S. Eaton. 1987. “The Northern Hardwood Forest Ecosystem: Ten Years of Recovery from Clearcutting”. USDA For. Serv., Northeast. For. Exp. Stn., NE-RP-596., 30.
Bailey, Scott W., J.W. Hornbeck, C.W. Martin, and Donald C. Buso. 1987. “Watershed Factors Affecting Stream Acidification in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, USA”. Environ. Manage 11: 53-60.
Hornbeck, J.W., C.W. Martin, R.S. Pierce, F.H. Bormann, Gene E. Likens, and J.S. Eaton. 1986. “Clearcutting Northern Hardwoods: Effects on Hydrologic and Nutrient Ion Budgets”. For. Sci. 32: 667-86.