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C. Wigand

Holmer, M., H.S. Jensen, K. K. Christensen, C. Wigand, and F.Ö. Andersen. 1998. “Sulfate Reduction in Lake Sediments Inhabited by the Isoetid Macrophytes Littorella Uniflora and Isoetes Lacustris”. Aquat. Bot. 60: 307-24.
Wigand, C., F.Ö. Andersen, K. K. Christensen, M. Holmer, and H.S. Jensen. 1998. “Endomycorrhizae of Isoetids Along a Biogeochemical Gradient”. Limnol. Oceanogr. 43: 508-15.
Breitburg, D. L., J. W. Baxter, C. Hatfield, Robert W. Howarth, Clive G. Jones, Gary M. Lovett, and C. Wigand. 1998. “Understanding Effects of Multiple Stressors: Ideas and Challenges”. In M. Pace and P. Groffman (eds.). Successes, Limitations and Frontiers in Ecosystem Science, 416-31. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
Wigand, C., and J.C. Stevenson. 1997. “Facilitation of Phosphate Assimilation by Aquatic Mycorrhizae of Vallisneria Americana Michx”. Hydrobiologia 343: 35-41.
Wigand, C., J.C. Stevenson, and J.C. Cornwell. 1997. “Effects of Different Submersed Macrophytes on Sediment Biogeochemistry”. Aquat. Bot. 56: 233-44.