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K.A. Smith

Groffman, Peter M., R. Brumme, K. Butterbach-Bahl, K.E. Dobbie, A.R. Mosier, D. Ojima, H. Papen, W.J. Parton, K.A. Smith, and C. Wagner-Riddle. 2000. “Evaluating Annual Nitrous Oxide Fluxes at the Ecosystem Scale”. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 14: 1061-70.
Schimel, Josh, P. Robertson, D. Baldocchi, J. Bogner, Eric A. Davidson, J. Duyzer, D. Ehhalt, et al. 1992. “Impacts of Trace Gas Fluxes in Mid-Latitude Ecosystems”. In D. S. Ojima and B. H. Svennsson (eds.). Trace Gas Fluxes in a Global Perspective, 124-32. Ecological Bulletins, Copenhagen.