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L. Smith

Strayer, David L., and L. C. Smith. 2001. “The Zoobenthos of the Freshwater Tidal Hudson River and Its Response to the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena Polymorpha) Invasion”. Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. (Monographic Studies) 139: 1-52.
Strayer, David L., and L. C. Smith. 2000. “Macroinvertebrates of a Rocky Shore in the Freshwater Tidal Hudson River”. Estuaries 23: 359-66.
Strayer, David L., L. C. Smith, and D.C. Hunter. 1998. “Effects of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena Polymorpha) Invasion on the Macrobenthos of the Freshwater Tidal Hudson River”. Can. J. Zool. 76: 419-25.
Strayer, David L., J. Powell, P. Ambrose, L. C. Smith, Michael L. Pace, and David T. Fischer. 1996. “Arrival, Spread, and Early Dynamics of a Zebra Mussel (Dreissena Polymorpha) Population in the Hudson River Estuary”. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 53: 1143-49.
Strayer, David L., and L. C. Smith. 1996. “Relationships Between Zebra Mussels (Dreissena Polymorpha) and Unionid Clams During the Early Stages of the Zebra Mussel Invasion of the Hudson River”. Freshwater Biol. 36: 771-79.
Strayer, David L., and L. C. Smith. 1996. “Zebra Mussels May Kill Unionids Without Fouling Them”. Triannu. Unionid Rep.
Strayer, David L., D.C. Hunter, L. C. Smith, and C.K. Borg. 1994. “Distribution, Abundance, and Roles of Freshwater Clams (Bivalvia, Unionidae) in the Freshwater Tidal Hudson River”. Freshwater Biol. 31: 239-48.
Smith, L. C., and L.A. Smock. 1992. “Ecology of Invertebrate Predators in a Coastal Plain Stream”. Freshwater Biol. 28: 319-29.
Strayer, David L., and L. C. Smith. 1992. “Distribution of the Zebra Mussel (Dreissena Polymorpha) in Estuaries and Brackish Waters”. In T. F. Nalepa and D. W. Schloesser (eds.). Zebra Mussels: Biology, Impacts, and Control, 715-27. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida.