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P.R. Wilson

Schauber, E.M., D. Kelly, P. Turchin, C. Simon, W.G. Lee, R.B. Allen, I.J. Payton, P.R. Wilson, P.E. Cowan, and R.E. Brockie. 2002. “Masting by Eighteen New Zealand Plant Species: The Role of Temperature As a Synchronizing Cue”. Ecology 83: 1214-25.
Kelly, D., A.L. Harrison, W.G. Lee, I.J. Payton, P.R. Wilson, and E.M. Schauber. 2000. “Predator Satiation and Extreme Mast Seeding in 11 Species of Chionochloa (Poaceae)”. Oikos 90: 477-88.