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P. Lepage

Coates, K.D., Charles D. Canham, and P. T. Lepage. 2009. “Above Versus Belowground Competitive Effects and Responses of a Guild of Temperate Tree Species”. J. Ecol. 97: 118-30.
Greene, D. F., Charles D. Canham, K.D. Coates, and P. T. Lepage. 2004. “An Evaluation of Alternative Dispersal Functions for Trees”. J. Ecol. 92: 758-66.
Canham, Charles D., P. T. Lepage, and K.D. Coates. 2004. “A Neighborhood Analysis of Canopy Tree Competition: Effects of Shading Versus Crowding”. Can. J. For. Res. 34: 778-87.
Lepage, P. T., Charles D. Canham, K.D. Coates, and P. Bartemucci. 2000. “Seed Source Versus Substrate Limitation of Seedling Recruitment in Northern Temperate Forests of British Columbia”. Can. J. For. Res. 30: 415-27.