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J.A. Silander Jr.

Rozzi, Ricardo, Juan J. Armesto, B. Goffinet, W. Buck, F. Massardo, J.A. Silander Jr., M.T.K. Arroyo, et al. 2008. “Changing Lenses to Assess Biodiversity: Patterns of Species Richness in Sub-Antarctic Plants and Implications for Global Conservation”. Front. Ecol. Environ. 6: 131-37.
Rozzi, Ricardo, J.A. Silander Jr., Juan J. Armesto, Peter Feinsinger, and F. Massardo. 2000. “Three Levels of Integrating Ecology With the Conservation of South American Temperate Forests: The Initiative of the Institute of Ecological Research Chiloe, Chile”. Biodiv. Conserv. 9: 1199-1217.
Caspersen, John P., J.A. Silander Jr., Charles D. Canham, and S. W. Pacala. 1999. “Modeling the Competitive Dynamics and Distribution of Tree Species Along Moisture Gradients”. In D. Mladenoff and W. Baker (eds.). Spatial Modeling of Forest Landscape Change, 14-41. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Rozzi, Ricardo, Eugene C. Hargrove, Juan J. Armesto, Steward T. A. Pickett, and J.A. Silander Jr. 1998. “‘Natural Drift’ As a Post-Modern Evolutionary Metaphor”. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 71: 5-17.
Pacala, S. W., Charles D. Canham, J. Saponara, J.A. Silander Jr., Richard K. Kobe, and E. Ribbens. 1996. “Forest Models Defined by Field Measurements: II. Estimation, Error Analysis and Dynamics”. Ecol. Monogr. 66: 1-43.
Kobe, Richard K., S. W. Pacala, J.A. Silander Jr., and Charles D. Canham. 1995. “Juvenile Tree Survivorship As a Component of Shade Tolerance”. Ecol. Appl. 5: 517-32.
Pacala, S. W., Charles D. Canham, J.A. Silander Jr., and Richard K. Kobe. 1994. “Sapling Growth As a Function of Resources in a North Temperate Forest”. Can. J. For. Res. 24: 2172-83.
Pacala, S. W., Charles D. Canham, and J.A. Silander Jr. 1993. “Forest Models Defined by Field Measurements: I. The Design of a Northeastern Forest Simulator”. Can. J. For. Res. 23: 1980-88.