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V.T. Eviner

Canals, R. M., V.T. Eviner, D.J. Herman, and F. S. Chapin III. 2005. “Plant Colonizers Shape Early N Dynamics in Gopher Mounds”. Plant Soil 276: 327-34.
Eviner, V.T., and F. S. Chapin III. 2005. “Selective Gopher Disturbance Influences Plant Species Effects on Nitrogen Cycling”. Oikos 109: 154-66.
Smith, M. F., V.T. Eviner, Kathleen C. Weathers, Maria Uriarte, Holly A. Ewing, Jonathan M. Jeschke, Peter M. Groffman, and Clive G. Jones. 2005. “Creating Individual Awareness about Responsible Conduct in Research: A Case Study of One institution’s Approach for Researchers and Administrators”. J. Research Administration 36: 21-25.
Eviner, V.T. 2004. “Plant Species Have Unique Combinations of Traits That Influence Ecosystem Processes”. Ecology 85: 2215-29.
Eviner, V.T., and F. S. Chapin III. 2003. “Biogeochemical Interactions and Biodiversity”. In J. M. Melillo, C. B. Field, and B. Moldan (eds.). Interactions of the Major Biogeochemical Cycles: Global Change and Human Impacts, 151-73. Island Press, Washington, D. C.
Chapin, F. S., III, and V.T. Eviner. 2003. “Biogeochemistry of Terrestrial Net Primary Production”. In W. H. Schlesinger (ed.). Treatise on Geochemistry. Volume 8: Biogeochemistry, 215-47.
Moldan, F., S.P. Seitzinger, V.T. Eviner, J.N. Galloway, X. Han, M. Keller, P. Nannipieri, W. Smith, and H. Tiessen. 2003. “Potential for Deliberate Management of Element Interactions to Address Major Environmental Issues”. In J. M. Melillo, C. B. Field, and B. Moldan (eds.). Interactions of the Major Biogeochemical Cycles: Global Change and Human Impacts, 93-114. Island Press, Washington, D. C.
Eviner, V.T., and F. S. Chapin III. 2003. “Functional Matrix: A Conceptual Framework for Predicting Multiple Plant Effects on Ecosystem Processes”. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 34: 455-85.
Eviner, V.T., and F. S. Chapin III. 2003. “Gopher-Plant-Fungal Interactions Influence Establishment of an Invasive Grass”. Ecology 84: 120-28.
Rillig, M. C., S.F. Wright, and V.T. Eviner. 2002. “The Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Glomalin in Soil Aggregation: Comparing Effects of Five Plant Species”. Plant Soil 238: 325-33.