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D. Soto

Lara, A., C. Little, R. Urrutia, J. McPhee, C. Álvarez-Garretón, C. Oyarzún, D. Soto, et al. 2009. “Assessment of Ecosystem Services As an Opportunity for the Conservation and Management of Native Forests in Chile”. For. Ecol. Manage 258: 415-24.
Soto, D., F.J. Salazar, and M.A. Alfaro. 2007. “Considerations for Comparative Evaluation of Environmental Costs of Livestock in Salmon Farming in Southern Chile”. D. Bartley, C. Brugere, P. Gerber, B. Harvey, and D. Soto (eds.). FAO Fisheries Report.
Bartley, D., C. Brugere, P. Gerber, B. Harvey, and D. Soto. 2007. “Comparative Assessment of the Environmental Costs of Aquaculture and Other Food Productions Sectors”. FAO Fisheries Proceedings.
Soto, D., and F. Jara. 2007. “Using Natural Ecosystemic Services to Diminish Salmon Farming Footprint in Southern Chile”. In T. Berth (ed.). Ecological and Genetic Implications of Aquaculture Activities, 459-75. Kluwer Academic Press.
Ríos, de los, and D. Soto. 2007. “Crustacean Zooplankton Richness in Chilean Patagonian Lakes”. Crustaceana 14: 40-120.
Soto, D., C. LeQuesne, A. Lara, and M. Gardner. 2007. “Fragile Conservation State of Pilgerodendron Uviferum Forests in Their Northern Limit of the Chilean Coastal Range”. Bosque 28: 263-70.
Soto, D., I. Arismendi, C. Di Prinzio, and F. Jara. 2007. “Recent Establishment of Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytsha) in Pacific Catchments of Southern South America and Its Potential Ecosystem Implications”. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 80: 81-98.
Valle-Levinson, A., S. Sankar, R. Sanay, D. Soto, and J. León. 2007. “Spatial Structure of Hydrography and Flow in a Chilean Fjord, Estuario Reloncaví”. Estuaries and Coasts 30: 113-26.
Soto, D., and D. Crosetti. 2006. “The Environmental Situation of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean Sea: A Review”. Report of the Experts Meeting for the Re-Establishment of the GFCM Committee on Aquaculture Network on Environment and Aquaculture in the Mediterranean. FAO Fisheries Report.
Soto, D., and F. Norambuena. 2006. “Environmental Monitoring to Evaluate Potential Effects of Human Activities on the Inner Seas of X and XI Regions”. In R. Hellman and R. Araya (eds.). Governance, Science and Regional Economies: Comprehensive Approach to Chile’s Coastal Ecosystem, 165-86. Flacso, Santiago, Chile.