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M.J. Papaik

Canham, Charles D., M.J. Papaik, Maria Uriarte, W. McWilliams, J. C. Jenkins, and M. Twery. 2006. “Neighborhood Analyses of Canopy Tree Competition Along Environmental Gradients in New England Forests”. Ecol. Appl. 16: 540-54.
Maranger, R.J., Charles D. Canham, Michael L. Pace, and M.J. Papaik. 2006. “A Spatially Explicit Model of Iron Loading to Lakes”. Limnol. Oceanogr. 51: 247-56.
Papaik, M.J., and Charles D. Canham. 2006. “Species Resistance and Community Response to Wind Disturbance Regimes in Northern Temperate Forests”. J. Ecol. 94: 1011-26.
Papaik, M.J., and Charles D. Canham. 2006. “Multi-Model Analysis of Tree Competition Along Environmental Gradients in Southern New England Forests”. Ecol. Appl. 16: 1880-92.
Papaik, M.J. 2005. “Modeling Disturbance and Competition in Temperate Forests of Northeastern North America”. Amherst, Massachusetts, University of Massachusetts.
Papaik, M.J., Charles D. Canham, E.F. Latty, and K.D. Woods. 2005. “Effects of an Introduced Pathogen on Resistance to Natural Disturbance: Beech Bark Disease and Windthrow”. Can. J. For. Res. 35: 1832-43.
Canham, Charles D., Michael L. Pace, M.J. Papaik, A.G.B. Primack, K.M. Roy, R.J. Maranger, R.P. Curran, and D.M. Spada. 2004. “A Spatially-Explicit Watershed-Scale Analysis of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Adirondack Lakes”. Ecol. Appl. 14: 839-54.
Canham, Charles D., M.J. Papaik, and E.F. Latty. 2001. “Interspecific Variation in Susceptibility to Windthrow As a Function of Tree Size and Storm Severity for Northern Temperate Tree Species”. Can. J. For. Res. 31: 1-10.