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E.F. Latty

Papaik, M.J., Charles D. Canham, E.F. Latty, and K.D. Woods. 2005. “Effects of an Introduced Pathogen on Resistance to Natural Disturbance: Beech Bark Disease and Windthrow”. Can. J. For. Res. 35: 1832-43.
Latty, E.F., Charles D. Canham, and P.L. Marks. 2004. “The Effects of Land-Use History on Soil Properties and Nutrient Dynamics in Northern Hardwood Forests of the Adirondack Mountains”. Ecosystems 7: 193-207.
Latty, E.F., Charles D. Canham, and P.L. Marks. 2003. “Beech Bark Disease in Northern Hardwood Forests: The Importance of Nitrogen Dynamics and Forest History for Disease Incidence”. Can. J. For. Res. 33: 257-68.
Canham, Charles D., M.J. Papaik, and E.F. Latty. 2001. “Interspecific Variation in Susceptibility to Windthrow As a Function of Tree Size and Storm Severity for Northern Temperate Tree Species”. Can. J. For. Res. 31: 1-10.
Canham, Charles D., Richard K. Kobe, E.F. Latty, and R.L. Chazdon. 1999. “Interspecific and Intraspecific Variation in Tree Seedling Survival: Effects of Allocation to Roots Vs. Carbohydrate Reserves”. Oecologia 121: 1-11.