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J.W. Gilliam

Aneja, V. P., J. Blunden, K. James, William H. Schlesinger, R. Knighton, J.W. Gilliam, G. Jennings, D. Niyogi, and S. Cole. 2008. “Ammonia Assessment from Agriculture: U.S. Status and Needs”. J. Environ. Qual. 37: 515-20.
Aneja, V. P., J. Blunden, P.A. Roelle, William H. Schlesinger, R. Knighton, D. Niyogi, J.W. Gilliam, G. Jennings, and C.S. Duke. 2008. “Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality: State of the Science”. Atmos. Environ. 42: 3195-3208.
Mitsch, W. J., J.W. Day Jr., J.W. Gilliam, Peter M. Groffman, D.L. Hey, G.W. Randall, and N. Wang. 2001. “Reducing Nitrogen Loading to the Gulf of Mexico from the Mississippi River BasIn: Strategies to Counter a Persistent Ecological Problem”. BioScience 51: 373-88.
Mitsch, W. J., J.W. Day Jr., J.W. Gilliam, Peter M. Groffman, D.L. Hey, G.W. Randall, and N. Wang. 1999. “Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially Nitrate-Nitrogen, to Surface Water, Groundwater, and the Gulf of Mexico. Topic 5 Report for the Integrated Assessment on Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico”. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program, Decision Analysis Series No. 19. Vol. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program, Decision Analysis Series No. 19. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Silver Spring, Maryland.
Verchot, L. V., E.C. Franklin, and J.W. Gilliam. 1998. “Effects of Agricultural Runoff Dispersion on Nitrate Reduction in Forested Filter Zone Soils”. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 62: 1719-24.
Lowrance, R.R., L.S. Altier, J.D. Newbold, R.R. Schnabel, Peter M. Groffman, J.M. Denver, D.L. Correll, et al. 1997. “Water Quality Functions of Riparian Forest Buffers in Chesapeake Bay Watersheds”. Environ. Manage 21: 687-712.
Lowrance, R.R., L.S. Altier, J.D. Newbold, R.R. Schnabel, Peter M. Groffman, J.M. Denver, D.L. Correll, et al. 1995. “Water Quality Functions of Riparian Forest Buffer Systems in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed”. US Environ. Prot. Agency Rep. #EPA 903-R-95-004., Washington, D. C., 67.
Batie, S., J.W. Gilliam, Peter Groffman, G.R. Hallberg, N.D. Hamilton, W.E. Larson, L.K. Lee, et al. 1993. Soil and Water Quality: An Agenda for Agriculture. National Academy Press, Washington, D. C.