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A. Gutiérrez

Gutiérrez, A. G., Juan J. Armesto, M. F. Díaz, and A. Huth. 2014. “Increased Drought Impacts on Temperate Rainforests from Southern South America: Results of a Process-Based, Dynamic Forest Model”. PLoS ONE 9 (7): e103226. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103226.
Barbosa, O., P.A. Marquet, L.D. Bacigalupe, D. A. Christie, E. del-Val, A. G. Gutiérrez, Clive G. Jones, Kathleen C. Weathers, and Juan J. Armesto. 2010. “Interactions Among Patch Area, Forest Structure and Water Fluxes in a Fog-Inundated Forest Ecosystem in Semiarid Chile”. Funct. Ecol 24: 909-17. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2435.2010.01697.x.
Armesto, Juan J., C. Smith-Ramirez, M.R. Carmona, J.L. Celis-Diez, I. A. Díaz, Aurora Gaxiola, A. G. Gutiérrez, M. C. Nuñez-Avila, Cecilia A. Pérez, and Ricardo Rozzi. 2009. “Old-Growth Temperate Rainforests of South America: Conservation, plant–animal Interactions, and Baseline Biogeochemical Processes”. In C. Wirth Et al., Eds. Old-Growth Forests, 367-90. Springer, Berlin.
Gutiérrez, A. G., Juan J. Armesto, J.C. Aravena, M.R. Carmona, N.V. Carrasco, D. A. Christie, M.P. Peña, Cecilia A. Pérez, and A. Huth. 2009. “Structural and Environmental Characterization of Old-Growth Temperate Rainforests of Northern Chiloé Island, Chile: Regional and Global Relevance”. For. Ecol. Manage 258: 376-88.
Gutiérrez, A. G., J.C. Aravena, N.V. Carrasco-Farías, D. A. Christie, M. Fuentes, and Juan J. Armesto. 2008. “Gap-Phase Dynamics and Coexistence of a Long-Lived Pioneer and Shade-Tolerant Tree Species in the Canopy of an Old-Growth Coastal Temperate Rain Forest of Chiloé Island, Chile”. Journal of Biogeography 35: 1674-87.
Gutiérrez, A. G., O. Barbosa, D. A. Christie, E. del-Val, Holly A. Ewing, Clive G. Jones, P.A. Marquet, Kathleen C. Weathers, and Juan J. Armesto. 2008. “Regeneration Patterns and Persistence of the Fog-Dependent Fray Jorge Forest in Semiarid Chile During the past Two Centuries”. Global Change Biol. 14: 161-76.
Rüger, N., Juan J. Armesto, A. G. Gutiérrez, G. Williams-Linera, and A. Huth. 2007. “Process-Based Modelling of Regeneration Dynamics and Sustainable Use in Species-Rich Rain Forests”. In A.C. Newton (ed.). Biodiversity Loss and Conservation in Fragmented Forest Landscapes: Evidence from Mexican Montane Forests and the Temperate Rainforests of South America, 244-75. CABI Publishing, UK.
Jaña-Prado, R., J.L. Celis-Diez, A. G. Gutiérrez, C. Cornelius, and Juan J. Armesto. 2007. “Diversity in Fragmented Forests of Chiloé, Are All the Fragments Equal?”. In A. Grez, J. Simonetti and R. Bustamante (eds.). Biodiversidad En Ambientes Fragmentados De Chile: Patrones Y Procesos a Diferentes Escalas, 159-89. Editorial Universitaria, Santiago, Chile.
Rüger, N., A. G. Gutiérrez, D.W. Kissling, Juan J. Armesto, and A. Huth. 2007. “Ecological Impacts of Harvesting Scenarios for Temperate Evergreen Rain Forest in Southern Chile - a Simulation Experiment”. For. Ecol. Manage 252: 52-66.
del-Val, E., Juan J. Armesto, O. Barbosa, D. A. Christie, A. G. Gutiérrez, Clive G. Jones, P.A. Marquet, and Kathleen C. Weathers. 2006. “Rain Forest Islands in the Chilean Semiarid Region: Fog-Dependency, Ecosystem Persistence and Tree Regeneration”. Ecosystems 9: 598-608.