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S.S. Nolan

Hardy, J.P., Peter M. Groffman, Ross D. Fitzhugh, K.S. Henry, T.A. Welman, J.D. Demers, Timothy J. Fahey, Charles T. Driscoll, G.L. Tierney, and S.S. Nolan. 2001. “Snow Depth Manipulation and Its Influence on Soil Frost and Water Dynamics in a Northern Hardwood Forest”. Biogeochemistry 56: 151-74.
Groffman, Peter M., J.P. Hardy, S.S. Nolan, Charles T. Driscoll, and Timothy J. Fahey. 1999. “Snow Depth, Soil Frost and Nutrient Loss in a Northern Hardwood Forest”. Hydrol. Process 13: 2275-86.
Lovett, Gary M., S.S. Nolan, Charles T. Driscoll, and Timothy J. Fahey. 1996. “Factors Regulating Throughfall Flux in New Hampshire Forested Landscape”. Can. J. For. Res. 26: 2134-44.
Lovett, Gary M., Gene E. Likens, and S.S. Nolan. 1992. “Dry Deposition of Sulfur to the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: A Preliminary Comparison of Methods”. In S. E. Schwartz and W. G. N. Slinn (coordinators). Precipitation Scavenging and Atmosphere-Surface Exchange. Vol. 3-The Summers Volume: Applications and Appraisals.|Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1391-1401. Hemisphere Publishing Corporation.
Caraco, Nina F., Jonathan J. Cole, Gene E. Likens, and S.S. Nolan. 1990. “Atmospheric Inputs of Phosphorus to an Oligotrophic Lake”. In I. G. Poppoff, C. R. Goldman, S. L. Loeb, and L. B. Leopold (eds.), 361-69. Proceedings International Mountain Watershed Symposium Subalpine Processes and Water Quality, South Lake Tahoe, California, June 1988.
Cole, Jonathan J., Nina F. Caraco, David L. Strayer, C. A. Ochs, and S.S. Nolan. 1989. “A Detailed Carbon Budget As an Ecosystem-Level Calibration of Bacterial Respiration in an Oligotrophic Lake During Mid-Summer”. Limnol. Oceanogr. 34: 286-96.
Caraco, Nina F., Jonathan J. Cole, Gene E. Likens, M.D. Mattson, and S.S. Nolan. 1988. “A Very Imbalanced Nutrient Budget for Mirror Lake, New Hampshire, U.S.A”. Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol. 23: 170-75.
Cole, Jonathan J., Robert W. Howarth, S.S. Nolan, and Roxanne Marino. 1986. “Sulfate Inhibition of Molybdate Assimilation by Planktonic Algae and Bacteria: Implications for the Aquatic Nitrogen Cycle”. Biogeochemistry 2: 179-96.