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J. Coleman

Jones, Clive G., and J. S. Coleman. 1988. “Leaf Disc Size and Insect Feeding Preference: Implications for Assays and Studies on Induction of Plant Defense”. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 47: 167-72.
Jones, Clive G., and J. S. Coleman. 1988. “Plant Stress and Insect Behavior: Cottonwood, Ozone and the Feeding and Oviposition Preference of a Beetle”. Oecologia 76: 51-56.
Coleman, J. S., and Clive G. Jones. 1988. “Plant Stress and Insect Performance: Cottonwood, Ozone and a Leaf Beetle”. Oecologia 76: 57-61.
Coleman, J. S., and Clive G. Jones. 1988. “Acute Ozone Stress on Eastern Cottonwood (Populus Deltoides Bartr.) and the Pest Potential of the Aphid, Chaitophorus Populicola Thomas (Homoptera: Aphidae)”. Environ. Entomol. 17: 207-12.
Coleman, J. S., Clive G. Jones, and W.H. Smith. 1988. “Interactions Between an Acute Ozone Dose, Eastern Cottonwood, and Marssonina Leaf Spot: Implications for Pathogen Community Dynamics”. Can. J. Bot. 66: 863-68.
Coleman, J. S., Clive G. Jones, and W.H. Smith. 1987. “The Effect of Ozone on Cottonwood-Leaf Rust Interactions: Independence of Abiotic Stress, Genotype and Leaf Ontogeny”. Can. J. Bot. 65: 949-53.
Coleman, J. S. 1987. “Relationship of Ozone Exposure and Leaf Ontogeny to Susceptibility of Eastern Cottonwood to Four Pests”. Yale University.
Coleman, J. S. 1986. “Leaf Development and Leaf Stress: Increased Susceptibility Associated With Sink-Source Transition”. Tree Physiol. 2: 289-99.
Coleman, J. S., C.W. Murdoch, R.J. Campana, and W.H. Smith. 1985. “Investigations on the Decay Resistance of Elm Wetwood”. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 7: 151-54.