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Maria Uriarte

Feng, Xiaohui, Maria Uriarte, Grizelle González, Sasha Reed, J. Thompson, J.K. Zimmerman, and Lora Murphy. 2017. “Improving Predictions of Tropical Forest Response to Climate Change through Integration of Field Studies and Ecosystem Modeling”. Global Change Biology 24 (1): e213 - e232. doi:10.1111/gcb.13863.
Dueker, M. E., Gregory D. O’Mullan, Andrew R. Juhl, Kathleen C. Weathers, and Maria Uriarte. 2012. “Local Environmental Pollution Strongly Influences Culturable Bacterial Aerosols at an Urban Aquatic Superfund Site”. Environmental Science & Technology 46 (20): 10926-33. doi:10.1021/es301870t.
Dueker, M. E., G.D. O’Mullan, Kathleen C. Weathers, Andrew R. Juhl, and Maria Uriarte. 2012. “Coupling of Fog and Marine Microbial Content in the Near-Shore Coastal Environment”. Biogeosciences 9: 803-13.
Dueker, M. E., Kathleen C. Weathers, G.D. O’Mullan, Andrew R. Juhl, and Maria Uriarte. 2011. “Environmental Controls on Coastal Coarse Aerosols: Implications for Microbial Content and Deposition in the Near-Shore Environment”. Environ. Sci. Tech. 45: 3386-92. doi:10.1021/es1035128.
Nuñez-Avila, M. C., Maria Uriarte, P.A. Marquet, and Juan J. Armesto. 2011. “Microsatellite Markers for the Relict Tree Aextoxicon Punctatum: The Only Species in the Chilean Endemic Family Aextoxicaceae”. Am. J. Bot. 98: E30-E32.
Comita, L.S., J. Thompson, Maria Uriarte, I. Jonckheere, Charles D. Canham, and J.K. Zimmerman. 2010. “Interactive Effects of Land Use History and Natural Disturbance on Seedling Dynamics in a Subtropical Forest”. Ecol. Appl. 20: 1270-84.
Canham, Charles D., J. Thompson, J.K. Zimmerman, and Maria Uriarte. 2010. “Variation in Susceptibility to Hurricane Damage As a Function of Storm Intensity in Puerto Rican Tree Species”. Biotropica 42: 87-94.
Comita, L.S., Maria Uriarte, J. Thompson, I. Jonckheere, Charles D. Canham, and J.K. Zimmerman. 2009. “Abiotic and Biotic Drivers of Seedling Survival in a Hurricane-Impacted Tropical Forest”. J. Ecol. 97: 1346-59.
Uriarte, Maria, Charles D. Canham, J. Thompson, J.K. Zimmerman, Lora Murphy, A.M. Sabat, N. Fetcher, and B.L. Haines. 2009. “Natural Disturbance and Human Land Use As Determinants of Tropical Forest Dynamics: Results from a Forest Simulator”. Ecol. Monogr. 79: 423-43.
Perkins, S.E., Sonia Altizer, O. Bjornstad, J.J. Burdon, K. Clay, L. Gómez-Aparicio, Jonathan M. Jeschke, et al. 2008. “Invasion Biology and Parasitic Infections”. In R. S. Ostfeld, F. Keesing, and V. Eviner (eds.). Infectious Disease Ecology: Effects of Ecosystems on Disease and of Disease on Ecosystems, 179-204. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.