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A.F. Bouwman

Harrison, John A., S.P. Seitzinger, A.F. Bouwman, Nina F. Caraco, A.H.W. Beusen, and C.J. Vorosmarty. 2005. “Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus Export to the Coastal Zone: Results from a Spatially Explicit Global Model”. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 9: GB4S03.
Seitzinger, S.P., C. Kroeze, A.F. Bouwman, Nina F. Caraco, F. Dentener, and R.V. Styles. 2002. “Global Patterns of Dissolved Inorganic and Particulate Nitrogen Inputs to Coastal Systems: Recent Conditions and Future Projections”. Estuaries 25: 640-55.