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J.E. Hart

Wallace, Z. P., Gary M. Lovett, J.E. Hart, and B. Machona. 2007. “Effects of Nitrogen Saturation on Tree Growth and Death in a Mixed-Oak Forest”. For. Ecol. Manage 243: 210-18.
Lovett, Gary M., and J.E. Hart. 2005. “Monitoring the Deposition and Effects of Air Pollution in the Hudson Valley, NY”. Final Report 05-01. New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, Albany, New York.
Lovett, Gary M., Lynn M. Christenson, Peter M. Groffman, Clive G. Jones, J.E. Hart, and Myron J. Mitchell. 2002. “Insect Defoliation and Nitrogen Cycling in Forests”. BioScience 52: 335-41.
Lovett, Gary M., J.E. Hart, Lynn M. Christenson, and Clive G. Jones. 1998. “Caterpillar Guts and Ammonia Volatilization: Retention of Nitrogen by Gypsy Moth Larvae Consuming Oak Foliage”. Oecologia 117: 513-16.