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P. Chacón

Chacón, P., and Juan J. Armesto. 2006. “Do Carbon-Based Defenses Reduce Foliar Damage? Habitat-Related Effects on Tree Seedling Performance in a Temperate Rainforest of Chiloé Island, Chile”. Oecologia 146: 555-65.
Chacón, P., and Juan J. Armesto. 2005. “Effects of Canopy Openness on Growth, Specific Leaf Area, and Survival of Tree Seedlings in a Temperate Rainforest of Chiloé Island, Chile”. N. Z. J. Bot. 43: 71-81.
Chacón, P. 2004. “Reducen Las Defenses Carbonadas El daño Foliar? Implicancias Sobre El desempeño De plántulas En La Especie arbórea Drimys Winteri (Winteraceae)”. Santiago, Chile, Universidad de Chile.
Muñoz, A. A., P. Chacón, F. Pérez, E.S. Barnert, and Juan J. Armesto. 2003. “Diversity and Host Tree Preferences of Vascular Epiphytes and Vines in a Temperate Rainforest in Southern Chile”. Aust. J. Bot. 51: 381-91.