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O.O. Iribarne

Gutiérrez, Jorge L., Clive G. Jones, Peter M. Groffman, Stuart E. G. Findlay, O.O. Iribarne, P.D. Ribiero, and C.M. Bruschetti. 2006. “The Contribution of Crab Burrow Excavation to Carbon Availability in Surficial Salt-Marsh Sediments”. Ecosystems 9: 647-58.
Botto, F., O.O. Iribarne, Jorge L. Gutiérrez, J. Bava, A. Gagliardini, and I. Valiela. 2006. “Ecological Importance of Passive Deposition of Organic Matter into Burrows of the SW Atlantic Crab Chasmagnathus Granulatus”. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 312: 201-10.
Lomovasky, B. J., Jorge L. Gutiérrez, and O.O. Iribarne. 2005. “Identifying Repaired Shell Damage and Abnormal Calcification in the Stout Razor Clam Tagelus Plebeius As a Tool to Investigate Their Ecological Interactions”. J. Sea Res. 54: 163-75.
Iribarne, O.O., C.M. Bruschetti, M. Escapa, J. Bava, F. Botto, Jorge L. Gutiérrez, M.G. Palomo, K. Delhey, P. Petracci, and A. Gagliardini. 2005. “Small and Large-Scale Effect of the SW Atlantic Burrowing Crab Chasmagnathus Granulatus on Habitat Use by Migratory Shorebirds”. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol 315: 87-101.
Gutiérrez, Jorge L., and O.O. Iribarne. 2004. “Conditional Function of Habitat Structure: An Example from Intertidal Mudflats”. Oecologia 139: 572-82.
Gutiérrez, Jorge L., M.G. Palomo, and O.O. Iribarne. 2004. “Spatial Heterogeneity and Species Responses to Fishing Disturbance: Are the Effects of Clam Harvesting Spatially Consistent?”. Fish. Res. 67: 55-70.
Gutiérrez, Jorge L., Clive G. Jones, David L. Strayer, and O.O. Iribarne. 2003. “Mollusks As Ecosystem Engineers: The Role of Shell Production in Aquatic Habitats”. Oikos 101: 79-90.érrez_et_al_2003_Molluscs_Oikos_101_79-90.pdf.