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K. Lajtha

Lajtha, K., S. Crow, Y. Yano, Sujay S. Kaushal, E. Sulzman, P. Sollins, and J.D.H. Spears. 2005. “Detrital Controls on Soil Solution N and Dissolved Organic Matter in Soils: A Field Experiment”. Biogeochemistry 76: 261-81.
Johnston, C.A., Peter M. Groffman, D.D. Breshears, Z.G. Cardon, W. Currie, B. Emanuel, J. Gaudinski, et al. 2004. “Carbon Cycling in Soil”. Front. Ecol. Environ. 10: 522-28.
Joyce, L. A., J.J. Landsberg, Stafford Smith, J. BenAsher, J.R. Doria Cavazos, K. Lajtha, Gene E. Likens, Avi Perevolotsky, and U. Safriel. 1999. “Ecosystem-Level Consequences of Management Options”. In T. W. Hoekstra and M. Shachak (eds.). Arid Lands Management: Toward Ecological Sustainability, 97-116. Illinois University Press, Urbana-Champaign, IL.