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M.D. Dearing

Previtali, Andrea, E.M. Lehmer, J.M.C. Pearce-Duvet, Jeremy D. Jones, C. A. Clay, B.A. Wood, P.W. Ely, and M.D. Dearing. 2010. “Investigating the Roles of Human Disturbance, Precipitation, and a Pathogen on the Survival and Reproductive Probabilities of Deer Mice (Peromyscus Maniculatus)”. Ecology 91: 582-92.
Clay, C. A., E.M. Lehmer, Andrea Previtali, M.D. Dearing, and S. St. Jeor. 2009. “Contact Heterogeneity in Deer Mice: Implications for Sin Nombre Virus Transmission”. P. Roy. Soc. B.-Biol. Sci.