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Darren Bade

Warren, Dana R, Kristen E. Judd, Darren L. Bade, Gene E. Likens, and Clifford E. Kraft. 2013. “Effects of Wood Removal on Stream Habitat and Nitrate Uptake in Two Northeastern US Headwater Streams”. Hydrobiologia. doi:10.1007/s10750-013-1578-6.
Van de Bogert, Matthew C., Darren L. Bade, Stephen R. Carpenter, Jonathan J. Cole, Michael L. Pace, Paul C. Hanson, and Owen C. Langman. 2012. “Spatial Heterogeneity Strongly Affects Estimates of Ecosystem Metabolism in Two North Temperate Lakes”. Limnology and Oceanography 57 (6): 1689-1700. doi:10.4319/lo.2012.57.6.1689.
Cole, Jonathan J., Darren L. Bade, D. Bastviken, Michael L. Pace, and Matthew C. Van de Bogert. 2010. “Multiple Approaches to Estimating Air-Water Gas Exchange in Small Lakes”. Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods 8: 285-93.
Staehr, Peter A., Darren L. Bade, Matthew C. Van de Bogert, G.R. Koch, Craig E. Williamson, Paul C. Hanson, Jonathan J. Cole, and Timothy K. Kratz. 2010. “Lake Metabolism and the Diel Oxygen Technique: State of the Science”. Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods 8: 628-44.
Buso, Donald C., Gene E. Likens, J. W. LaBaugh, and Darren L. Bade. 2009. “Nutrient Dynamics”. In T. C. Winter and G. E. Likens (eds.). Mirror Lake: Interactions Among Air, Land and Water, 69-203. University of California Press.
Bade, Darren L., K. Bouchard, and Gene E. Likens. 2009. “Algal Co-Limitation by Nitrogen and Phosphorus Persists After 30 Years in Mirror Lake (New Hampshire, USA)”. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol 30: 1121-23.
Bade, Darren L., Stephen R. Carpenter, Jonathan J. Cole, Michael L. Pace, E.S. Kritzberg, Matthew C. Van de Bogert, R.M. Cory, and D.M. McKnight. 2007. “Sources and Fates of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Lakes As Determined by Whole-Lake Carbon Isotope Additions”. Biogeochemistry 84: 115-29.
Bade, Darren L., Michael L. Pace, Jonathan J. Cole, and Stephen R. Carpenter. 2006. “Can Algal Photosynthetic Fractionation in Lakes Be Predicted from Existing Models?”. Aquat. Sci. 68: 142-53.
Bade, Darren L., and Jonathan J. Cole. 2006. “Impact of Chemically Enhanced Diffusion on Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Stable Isotopes in a Fertilized Lake”. J. Geophys. Res. 111, C01014.
Bade, Darren L. 2005. “Lake Ecosystems (stratification and Seasonal Mixing Processes, Pelagic and Benthic Coupling)”. In The Encyclopedia of Hydrologic Sciences Part 9. Ecological and Hydrological Interactions M. G. Anderson (ed.).. J. Wiley and Sons. doi:10.1002/0470848944.hsAU14.