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K.M. Roy

Burns, D.A., Michael R. McHale, Charles T. Driscoll, Gary M. Lovett, Kathleen C. Weathers, Myron J. Mitchell, and K.M. Roy. 2005. “An Assessment of Recovery and Key Processes Affecting the Response of Surface Waters to Reduced Levels of Acid Precipitation in the Adirondack and Catskill Mountains”. Final Report 05-03. New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, Albany, New York.
Canham, Charles D., Michael L. Pace, M.J. Papaik, A.G.B. Primack, K.M. Roy, R.J. Maranger, R.P. Curran, and D.M. Spada. 2004. “A Spatially-Explicit Watershed-Scale Analysis of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Adirondack Lakes”. Ecol. Appl. 14: 839-54.