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Erin Scheessele

Blaustein, Andrew R., John M. Romansic, Erin A. Scheessele, Barbara A. Han, Alan P. Pessier, and Joyce E. Longcore. 2005. “Interspecific Variation in Susceptibility of Frog Tadpoles to the Pathogenic Fungus Batrachochytrium Dendrobatidis”. Conservation Biology 19 (5): 1460-68. doi:10.1111/cbi.2005.19.issue-510.1111/j.1523-1739.2005.00195.x.
Blaustein, Andrew R., Barbara A. Han, Betsy Fasy, John M. Romansic, Erin A. Scheessele, Robert G. Anthony, Adolfo Marco, et al. 2004. “Variable Breeding Phenology Affects the Exposure of Amphibian Embryos to Ultraviolet Radiation and Optical Characteristics of Natural Waters Protect Amphibians from UV-B in the US Pacific Northwest: Comment”. Ecology 85 (6): 1747-54. doi:10.1890/03-3070.