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M. Mayer

Bernhardt, Emily S., Gene E. Likens, Robert O. Hall, Donald C. Buso, S.G. Fisher, T.M. Burton, J.L. Meyer, et al. 2005. “Can’t See the Forest for the Stream? In-Stream Processing and Terrestrial Nitrogen Exports”. BioScience 55: 219-30.
Hedin, L. O., M. S. Mayer, and Gene E. Likens. 1988. “The Effect of Deforestation on Organic Debris Dams”. Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol. 23: 1135-41.
Mayer, M. S., and Gene E. Likens. 1987. “The Importance of Algae in a Shaded Headwater Stream As Food for an Abundant Caddisfly (Trichoptera)”. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 6: 262-69.
Mayer, M. S. 1986. “The Importance of Algae As Food for Insects in Bear Brook, a Small Woodland Stream in New Hampshire”. Cornell University.