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B.L. Nowicki

Clough, T. J., Kelly Addy, D.Q. Kellogg, B.L. Nowicki, Arthur J. Gold, and Peter M. Groffman. 2007. “Dynamics of Nitrous Oxide in Groundwater at the Aquatic-Terrestrial Interface”. Global Change Biol. 13: 1528-37.
Addy, Kelly, Arthur J. Gold, B.L. Nowicki, J. McKenna, M.H. Stolt, and Peter M. Groffman. 2005. “Denitrification Capacity in a Subterranean Estuary below a Rhode Island Salt Marsh”. Estuaries 28: 896-908.
Oviatt, C., P. Doering, B.L. Nowicki, L. Reed, Jonathan J. Cole, and J. Frithsen. 1995. “An Ecosystem Level Experiment on Nutrient Limitation in Temperate Coastal Marine Environments”. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 116: 171-79.