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Lawrence Band

Pickett, Steward T. A., Mary L. Cadenasso, Morgan Grove, Peter M. Groffman, Lawrence E. Band, Christopher G. Boone, W.R. Burch, et al. 2008. “Beyond Urban Legends: An Emerging Framework of Urban Ecology, As Illustrated by the Baltimore Ecosystem Study”. BioScience 58: 139-50.
Kaushal, Sujay S., Peter M. Groffman, Lawrence E. Band, C.A. Shields, R.P. Morgan, M. A. Palmer, Kenneth T Belt, C.M. Swan, Stuart E. G. Findlay, and G.T. Fisher. 2008. “Interaction Between Urbanization and Climate Variability Amplifies Watershed Nitrate Export in Maryland”. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42: 5872-78.
Shields, C.A., Lawrence E. Band, N. Law, Peter M. Groffman, Sujay S. Kaushal, K. Savvas, G.T. Fisher, and Kenneth T Belt. 2008. “Streamflow Distribution of non–point Source Nitrogen Export from Urban-Rural Catchments in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed”. Water Resour. Res. 44: Art.No.W09416.
Pouyat, Richard V., Kenneth T Belt, Diane E. Pataki, Peter M. Groffman, J. Hom, and Lawrence E. Band. 2007. “Urban Land-Use Change Effects on Biogeochemical Cycles”. In P. Canadell, D. Pataki and L. Pitelka (eds.). Terrestrial Ecosystems in a Changing World, 45-58. The IGBP Series, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York.
Groffman, Peter M., Richard V. Pouyat, Mary L. Cadenasso, Wayne C Zipperer, K. Szlavecz, Ian D. Yesilonis, Lawrence E. Band, and G.S. Brush. 2007. “Corregendium: Land Use Context and Natural Soil Controls on Plant Community Composition and Soil Nitrogen and Carbon Dynamics in Urban and Rural Forests”. For. Ecol. Manage 246: 296-97.
Groffman, Peter M., Richard V. Pouyat, Mary L. Cadenasso, Wayne C Zipperer, K. Szlavecz, Ian D. Yesilonis, Lawrence E. Band, and G.S. Brush. 2006. “Land Use Context and Natural Soil Controls on Plant Community Composition and Soil Nitrogen and Carbon Dynamics in Urban and Rural Forests”. For. Ecol. Manage 236: 177-92.
Tenenbaum, D. E., Mary L. Cadenasso, Lawrence E. Band, and Steward T. A. Pickett. 2006. “Using Transects to Sample Digital Orthophotography of Urbanizing Catchments to Provide Landscape Position Descriptions”. GIS and Remote Sensing 43: 323-51.
Band, Lawrence E., Mary L. Cadenasso, C.S.B. Grimmond, Morgan Grove, and Steward T. A. Pickett. 2005. “Heterogeneity in Urban Ecosystems: Patterns and Process”. In G. M Lovett, C. G. Jones, M. Turner, and K. C. Weathers (eds.). Ecosystem Function in Heterogeneous Landscapes, 257-78. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
Kaushal, Sujay S., Peter M. Groffman, Gene E. Likens, Kenneth T Belt, William Stack, Victoria R. Kelly, Lawrence E. Band, and G.T. Fisher. 2005. “Increased Salinization of Fresh Water in the Northeastern United States”. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 102: 13517-20.
Groffman, Peter M., N. Law, Kenneth T Belt, Lawrence E. Band, and G.T. Fisher. 2004. “Nitrogen Fluxes and Retention in Urban Watershed Ecosystems”. Ecosystems 7: 393-403.