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L.A. Cavieres

Rozzi, Ricardo, Juan J. Armesto, B. Goffinet, W. Buck, F. Massardo, J.A. Silander Jr., M.T.K. Arroyo, et al. 2008. “Changing Lenses to Assess Biodiversity: Patterns of Species Richness in Sub-Antarctic Plants and Implications for Global Conservation”. Front. Ecol. Environ. 6: 131-37.
Badano, E. I., Clive G. Jones, L.A. Cavieres, and J. P. Wright. 2006. “Assessing Impacts of Ecosystem Engineers on Community Organization: A General Approach Illustrated by Effects of a High-Andean Cushion Plant”. Oikos 115: 369-85.
Rae, D., F. Massardo, M. Gardner, Ricardo Rozzi, P. Baxter, Juan J. Armesto, A.C. Newton, and L.A. Cavieres. 1999. “Los Jardines Botánicos Y La valoración De La Flora En Los Bosques Nativos De Chile (Botanical Gardens and Valuation of the Flora in Chilean Native Forests)”. Ambiente Y Desarrollo 15: 60-70.