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Nina Caraco

Tall, L., Nina F. Caraco, and R.J. Maranger. 2011. “Denitrification Hot Spots: Dominant Role of Invasive Macrophyte Trapa Natans in Removing Nitrogen from a Tidal River”. Ecol. Appl. 21: 3104-14.
Kornijow, R., David L. Strayer, and Nina F. Caraco. 2010. “Macroinvertebrate Communities of Hypoxic Habitats Created by an Invasive Plant (Trapa Natans) in the Freshwater Tidal Hudson River”. Fundam. Appl. Limnol. 176: 199-207.
Caraco, Nina F., J.E. Bauer, Jonathan J. Cole, S.T. Petsch, and Peter A. Raymond. 2010. “Millennial-Aged Organic Carbon Subsidies to a Modern River Food Web”. Ecology 91: 2385-93.
Findlay, Stuart E. G., William H. McDowell, David T. Fischer, Michael L. Pace, Nina F. Caraco, Sujay S. Kaushal, and Kathleen C. Weathers. 2010. “Total Carbon Analysis May Overestimate Organic Carbon Content of Fresh Waters in the Presence of High Dissolved Inorganic Carbon”. Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods 8: 196-201.
Caraco, Nina F. 2009. “Phosphorus in Inland Waters”. In G.E. Likens (ed.). The Encyclopedia of Inland Waters. Oxford: Elsevier.
Maranger, R.J., Nina F. Caraco, J. Duhamel, and M. Amyot. 2008. “Nitrogen Transfer from Sea to Land via Commercial Fisheries”. Nature Geoscience 1: 111-13.
Goodwin, K., Nina F. Caraco, and Jonathan J. Cole. 2008. “Temporal Dynamics of Dissolved Oxygen in a Floating Leaved Macrophyte Bed”. Freshwater Biol. 53: 1632-41.
Strayer, David L., Michael L. Pace, Nina F. Caraco, Jonathan J. Cole, and Stuart E. G. Findlay. 2008. “Hydrology and Grazing Jointly Control a Large-River Food Web”. Ecology 89: 12-18.
Fernald, S. H., Nina F. Caraco, and Jonathan J. Cole. 2007. “Changes in Cyanobacterial Dominance Following the Invasion of the Zebra Mussel Dreissena Polymorpha: Long-Term Results from the Hudson River Estuary”. Estuaries and Coasts 30: 163-70.
Cole, Jonathan J., Y.T. Prairie, Nina F. Caraco, William H. McDowell, Lars J. Tranvik, R.G. Striegl, C. M. Duarte, et al. 2007. “Plumbing the Global Carbon Cycle: Integrating Inland Waters into the Terrestrial Carbon Budget”. Ecosystems 10: 171-84.