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Peter Raymond

Grimm, Nancy B, F. S. Chapin III, B. Bierwagen, Patrick Gonzalez, Peter M. Groffman, Yiqi Luo, F. Melton, et al. 2013. “The Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystem Structure and Function”. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11 (9): 474-82. doi:10.1890/120282.
Caraco, Nina F., J.E. Bauer, Jonathan J. Cole, S.T. Petsch, and Peter A. Raymond. 2010. “Millennial-Aged Organic Carbon Subsidies to a Modern River Food Web”. Ecology 91: 2385-93.
Raymond, Peter A., J.E. Bauer, Nina F. Caraco, Jonathan J. Cole, B. Longworth, and S.T. Petsch. 2004. “Controls on the Variability of Organic Matter and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Age in Northeast U.S. Rivers”. Mar. Chem. 92: 353-66.
Raymond, Peter A., and Jonathan J. Cole. 2003. “Alkalinity Export and Carbon Balance, a Response to Lackner”. Science 302: 985.
Raymond, Peter A., and Jonathan J. Cole. 2003. “Increase in the Export of Alkalinity from North America’s Largest River”. Science 301: 88-91.
Raymond, Peter A., and Jonathan J. Cole. 2003. “Increased Alkalinity in the Mississippi, a Response to Jones Et Al”. Science 302: 985-87.
Raymond, Peter A., and Jonathan J. Cole. 2001. “Gas Exchange in Rivers and Estuaries: Choosing a Gas Transfer Velocity”. Estuaries 24: 312-17.
Raymond, Peter A., J.E. Bauer, and Jonathan J. Cole. 2000. “Atmospheric CO2 Evasion, Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Production, and Net Heterotrophy in the York River Estuary”. Limnol. Oceanogr. 45: 1707-17.
Raymond, Peter A., Nina F. Caraco, and Jonathan J. Cole. 1997. “CO2 Concentration and Atmospheric Flux in the Hudson River”. Estuaries 20: 381-90.
Caraco, Nina F., Jonathan J. Cole, Peter A. Raymond, David L. Strayer, Michael L. Pace, Stuart E. G. Findlay, and David T. Fischer. 1997. “Zebra Mussel Invasion in a Large, Turbid River: Phytoplankton Response to Increased Grazing”. Ecology 78: 588-602.