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C.M. Pringle

Schofield, K. A., C.M. Pringle, J.L. Meyer, and Emma J. Rosi-Marshall. 2008. “Functional Redundancy of Stream Macroconsumers Despite Differences in Catchment Land Use”. Freshwater Biology 53 (12): 2587-99. doi:10.1111/fwb.2008.53.issue-1210.1111/j.1365-2427.2008.02085.x.
Tartowski, S.L., E.B. Allen, N.E. Barrett, Alan R. Berkowitz, R.K. Colwell, Peter M. Groffman, J. Harte, et al. 1997. “Integration of Species and Ecosystem Approaches to Conservation”. In S. T. A. Pickett, R. S. Ostfeld, M. Shachak, and G. E. Likens (eds.). The Ecological Basis of Conservation: Heterogeneity, Ecosystems, and Biodiversity, 187-92. Chapman & Hall, Inc., New York.