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C. Lancelot

Conley, D. J., H.W. Paerl, Robert W. Howarth, D.F. Boesch, S.P. Seitzinger, K.E. Havens, C. Lancelot, and Gene E. Likens. 2009. “Response to Letters ‘Controlling Eutrophication: Nitrogen and phosphorus’”. Science 324: 721-25.
Conley, D. J., H.W. Paerl, Robert W. Howarth, D.F. Boesch, S.P. Seitzinger, K.E. Havens, C. Lancelot, and Gene E. Likens. 2009. “Controlling Eutrophication: Nitrogen and Phosphorus”. Science 323: 1014-15.
Conley, D. J., H.W. Paerl, Robert W. Howarth, D.F. Boesch, S.P. Seitzinger, K.E. Havens, C. Lancelot, and Gene E. Likens. 2009. “Eutrophication: Time to Adjust Expectations Response”. Science 324: 724-25.