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M. Doyle

Fuller, Matthew R., M. W. Doyle, and David L. Strayer. 2015. “Causes and Consequences of Habitat Fragmentation in River Networks”. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, n/a - n/a. doi:10.1111/nyas.12853.
Ardon, Marcelo, S. Montanari, Jennifer L. Morse, M. W. Doyle, and Emily S. Bernhardt. 2010. “Phosphorus Export from a Restored Wetland Ecosystem in Response to Natural and Experimental Hydrologic Fluctuations”. J. Geophys. Res - Biogeo 115: G04031.
Ardon, Marcelo, Jennifer L. Morse, M. W. Doyle, and Emily S. Bernhardt. 2010. “The Water Quality Consequences of Restoring Wetland Hydrology to a Large Agricultural Watershed in the Southeastern Coastal Plain”. Ecosystems 13: 1060-78.
Doyle, M. W., Emily H. Stanley, David L. Strayer, R.B. Jacobson, and J.C. Schmidt. 2005. “Dominant Discharge Analysis of Ecological Processes in Streams”. Water Resour. Res. 41: Art.No.W11411.