A.C. Newton
Newton, A.C., L. Cayuela, C. Echeverría, and Juan J. Armesto. 2009. “Toward Integrated Analysis of Human Impacts on Forest Biodiversity”. Ecol. Soc. 14: artno.2.
Newton, A.C., C. Echeverría, M. González-Espinosa, G. Williams-Linera, N. Ramírez-Marcial, O. Thiers, Juan J. Armesto, J.C. Aravena, and A. Lara. 2007. “Testing Forest Biodiversity Indicators by Assessing Anthropogenic Impacts Along Disturbance Gradients”. In A.C. Newton (ed.). Biodiversity Loss and Conservation in Fragmented Forest Landscapes: The Forests of Montane Mexico and Temperate South America, 276-90. CABI Publishing, UK.
Echeverría, C., David A. Coomes, A.C. Newton, A. Lara, and J.M. Rey-Benayas. 2007. “Patterns of Land Use Change and Forest Fragmentation in the Temperate Forests in Southern Chile”. In M. J. Pacha, S. Luque, L. Galetto, and L. Iverson (eds.) Understanding Biodiversity Loss: An Overview of Forest Fragmentation in South America, 63-73. IALE Landscape Research and Management Papers, Electronic Publication Series.
Rey-Benayas, J.M., L. Cayuela, M. González-Espinosa, C. Echeverría, R.H. Manson, G. Williams-Linera, R.F. del Castillo, et al. 2007. “Plant Diversity in Highly Fragmented Forest Landscapes in Mexico and Chile: Implications for Conservation”. In A.C. Newton (ed.). Biodiversity Loss and Conservation in Fragmented Forest Landscapes: The Forests of Montane Mexico and Temperate South America, 43-68. CABI Publishing, UK.
Echeverría, C., L. Cayuela, R.H. Manson, David A. Coomes, A. Lara, J.M. Rey-Benayas, and A.C. Newton. 2007. “Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Forest Loss and Fragmentation in Mexico and Chile”. In A.C. Newton (ed.). Biodiversity Loss and Conservation in Fragmented Forest Landscapes: The Forests of Montane Mexico and Temperate South America, 14-42. Biddles Ltd. King´s Lynn.
Rae, D., F. Massardo, M. Gardner, Ricardo Rozzi, P. Baxter, Juan J. Armesto, A.C. Newton, and L.A. Cavieres. 1999. “Los Jardines Botánicos Y La valoración De La Flora En Los Bosques Nativos De Chile (Botanical Gardens and Valuation of the Flora in Chilean Native Forests)”. Ambiente Y Desarrollo 15: 60-70.
Allnutt, T. R., A.C. Newton, A. Lara, A. Premoli, Juan J. Armesto, R. Vergara, and M. Gardner. 1999. “Genetic Variation in Fitzroya Cupressoides (alerce), a Threatened South American Conifer”. Mol. Ecol. 8: 975-87.