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David Fischer

Pace, Michael L., Stuart E. G. Findlay, and David T. Fischer. 1998. “Effects of an Invasive Bivalve on the Zooplankton Community of the Hudson River”. Freshwater Biol. 39: 103-16.
Caraco, Nina F., Jonathan J. Cole, Peter A. Raymond, David L. Strayer, Michael L. Pace, Stuart E. G. Findlay, and David T. Fischer. 1997. “Zebra Mussel Invasion in a Large, Turbid River: Phytoplankton Response to Increased Grazing”. Ecology 78: 588-602.
Limburg, K. E., Michael L. Pace, David T. Fischer, and K.K. Arend. 1997. “Consumption, Selectivity, and Use of Zooplankton by Larval Striped Bass and White Perch in a Seasonally Pulsed Estuary”. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 126: 607-21.
Sinsabaugh, Robert L., Stuart E. G. Findlay, P. Franchini, and David T. Fischer. 1997. “Enzymatic Analysis of Riverine Bacterioplankton Production”. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42: 29-38.
Strayer, David L., J. Powell, P. Ambrose, L. C. Smith, Michael L. Pace, and David T. Fischer. 1996. “Arrival, Spread, and Early Dynamics of a Zebra Mussel (Dreissena Polymorpha) Population in the Hudson River Estuary”. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 53: 1143-49.
Findlay, Stuart E. G., Michael L. Pace, and David T. Fischer. 1996. “Spatial and Temporal Variability in the Lower Food Web of the Tidal Freshwater Hudson River”. Estuaries 19: 866-73.