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G.G. Parker

Parker, G.G. 1994. “Soil Fertility, Nutrient Acquisition, and Nutrient Cycling”. In L. A. McDade, K. S. Bawa, H. A. Hespenheide, and G. S. Hartshorn (eds.). La Selva: Ecology and Natural History of a Neotropical Rainforest, 54-63. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois.
Canham, Charles D., G.G. Parker, and T.G. Siccama. 1992. “Permanent Plots: A Directory of Long-Term Studies of Vegetation”. Occasional Publication of the Institute of Ecosystem Studies. Millbrook, NY: Institute of Ecosystem Studies.
Parker, G.G. 1990. “Evaluation of Dry Deposition, Pollutant Damage, and Forest Health With Throughfall Studies”. In A. A. Lucier and S. G. Haines (eds.). Mechanisms of Forest Response to Acidic Deposition, 10-61. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
Monk, C. D., D.W. Imm, R.L. Potter, and G.G. Parker. 1989. “A Classification of the Deciduous Forest of Eastern North America”. Vegetatio 80: 167-81.
Parker, G.G. 1989. “Are Currently Available Statistical Methods Adequate for Long-Term Studies?”. In G. E. Likens (ed.). Long-Term Studies in Ecology: Approaches and Alternatives, 199-200. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
Parker, G.G. 1987. “A Directory of Permanent Sample Plot (PSP) Studies of Vegetation”. C. D. Canham (ed.). Permanent Plotter 1(1).. Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, New York.
Likens, Gene E., Jonathan J. Cole, J. Kolasa, J. B. McAninch, M.J. McDonnell, G.G. Parker, and David L. Strayer. 1987. “Status and Future of Ecosystem Science - Cary Conference 1985”. Occasional Publication of the Institute of Ecosystem Studies. Millbrook, NY: Institute of Ecosystem Studies.
Strayer, David L., J. S. Glitzenstein, Clive G. Jones, J. Kolasa, Gene E. Likens, M.J. McDonnell, G.G. Parker, and Steward T. A. Pickett. 1986. “Long-Term Ecological Studies: An Illustrated Account of Their Design, Operation, and Importance to Ecology”. Occasional Publication of the Institute of Ecosystem Studies. Millbrook, NY: Institute of Ecosystem Studies.
Parker, G.G. 1986. “Analysis and Recommendations Concerning the Natural Forest Management System Used in the Central Selva Project, Peru”. Final Report to USAID/Lima [contract no. 527-0000-60658], Lima, Peru.
Parker, G.G., J. C. Luvall, and C.J. Jordan. 1985. “Hydrologic Budgets for Undisturbed and Regenerating Tropical Rainforests on Hillslopes in Northeastern Costa Rica”. In F. Quinones and A. V. Sanchez (eds.), 11-12. Proc. Int. Symp. Trop. Hydrol./2nd Caribb. Isl. Water Resour. Congr. American Water Resources Association, Bethesda, Maryland.