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D. Wood

Hill, J. D., Charles D. Canham, and D. M. Wood. 1995. “Patterns and Causes of Resistance to Tree Invasion in Rights-of-Way”. Ecol. Appl. 5: 459-70.
Canham, Charles D., J. B. McAninch, and D. M. Wood. 1994. “Effects of Frequency, Timing, and Intensity of Woody Browsing on Growth and Survival of Tree Seedlings”. Can. J. For. Res. 24: 817-25.
Canham, Charles D., and D. M. Wood. 1993. “The Component Communities of Vegetation Mosaics Along Rights-of-Way”. C. D. Canham Et Al. (eds.). Vegetation Dynamics Along Utility Rights-of-Way: Factors Affecting the Ability of Shrub and Herbaceous Communities to Resist Invasion by Trees. Final Technical Report to Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corporation and the Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation.
Canham, Charles D., J. D. Hill, and D. M. Wood. 1993. “Demography of Tree Seedling Invasion in Rights-of-Way”. C. D. Canham Et Al. (eds.). Vegetation Dynamics Along Utility Rights-of-Way: Factors Affecting the Ability of Shrub and Herbaceous Communities to Resist Invasion by Trees. Final Technical Report to Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corporation and the Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation.
Canham, Charles D., J. B. McAninch, and D. M. Wood. 1993. “Effects of Simulated Browsing on Growth and Mortality of Tree Seedlings”. C. D. Canham Et Al. (eds.). Vegetation Dynamics Along Utility Rights-of-Way: Factors Affecting the Ability of Shrub and Herbaceous Communities to Resist Invasion by Trees. Final Technical Report to Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corporation and the Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation.
del Moral, R., and D. M. Wood. 1988. “Dynamics of Herbaceous Vegetation Recovery on Mount St. Helens, Washington, USA, After a Volcanic Eruption”. Vegetatio 74: 11-28.
Wood, D. M., and R. del Moral. 1987. “Mechanisms of Early Primary Succession in Subalpine Habitats on Mount St. Helens”. Ecology 68: 780-90.