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K. Schoeberl

Findlay, Stuart E. G., K. L. Schoeberl, and B. Wagner. 1989. “Abundance, Composition and Dynamics of the Invertebrate Fauna of a Tidal Freshwater Wetland”. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 8: 140-48.
Schoeberl, K. L., and Stuart E. G. Findlay. 1988. “Composition, Abundance and Dynamics of Macroinvertebrates in Tivoli South Bay, With Emphasis on the Chironomidae (Diptera)”. J. R. Waldman and E. A. Blair (eds.). Polgar Fellowship Reports of the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve Program, 1987. Hudson River Foundation, New York, New York.