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Alan Berkowitz

Harris, Cornelia, Alan R. Berkowitz, Bess Caplan, and Shelley Doster. 2015. “Hudson River Data Jam: Creatively Engaging Students With Large Data Sets”. In Ecological Society of America Annual Conference.
Jordan, Rebecca C., Wesley R. Brooks, Jacqueline R. DeLisi, Steven A. Gray, and Alan R. Berkowitz. 2015. “Ecology Nature of Science: Shared Discussions and Practices Among Ecologists and High School Teachers”. Ecosphere 6 (11): art223. doi:10.1890/ES13-00386.1.
Bianchini, Julie A., Nissa Yestness, Katherine J. Nilsen, Jiwon Kim, LaTisha M. Hammond, Stacy Carpenter, Tobias Irish, Sylvia D. Parker, and Alan R. Berkowitz. 2014. “Progression-Based Teaching Strategies in Environmental Science: Teachers’ Successes and Struggles in Implementation”. National Association for Research in Science Teaching. Pittsburgh, PA: National Association for Research in Science Teaching.
Harris, Cornelia, Angelita Alvarado, Alan R. Berkowitz, and Celia Cuomo. 2013. “Data Explorations in Ecology: What Do Students Know, and Need to Know, in Order to Make Environmental Citizenship Decisions?”. In North American Association of Environmental Education Research Symposium.
Poole, Alexandria K., Eugene C. Hargrove, Philip Day, William Forbes, Alan R. Berkowitz, Peter Feinsinger, and Ricardo Rozzi. 2013. “A Call for Ethics Literacy in Environmental Education”. In Linking Ecology and Ethics for a Changing World, 349-71. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7470-410.1007/978-94-007-7470-4_28.
Irish, Tobias, Alan R. Berkowitz, Cornelia Harris, Samantha Root, and Katherine Trudeau. 2013. “Data Explorations in Ecology”. In Association for Science Teacher Education Northeast Chapter Annual Meeting. Black Rock Forest, NY.
Berkowitz, Alan R., Angelita Alvarado-Santos, Cornelia Harris, and Samantha Root. 2013. “Data Explorations in Ecology: Students’ Understanding of Variability and Use of Data in Environmental Citizenship”. In Ecological Society of America Annual Conference.
Harris, Cornelia, Alan R. Berkowitz, K. Notin, and M.A. McLean. 2013. “Beyond Eco-Footprints: Using the STEM Process to Guide School Greening”. Green Teacher.
McBride, B. B., C.A. Brewer, Alan R. Berkowitz, and W. T. Borrie. 2013. “Environmental Literacy, Ecological Literacy, Ecoliteracy: What Do We Mean and How Did We Get Here?”. Ecosphere 4 (5): art67. doi:10.1890/ES13-00075.1.
Harris, Cornelia, Alan R. Berkowitz, Jennifer Doherty, and Laurel Hartley. 2013. “Exploring biodiversity’s Big Ideas in Your School Yard”. Science Scope 36 (8). National Science Teachers Association: 20-27.