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Kirsten Schwarz

Zhou, Weiqi, Mary L. Cadenasso, Kirsten Schwarz, and Steward T. A. Pickett. 2014. “Quantifying Spatial Heterogeneity in Urban Landscapes: Integrating Visual Interpretation and Object-Based Classification”. Remote Sensing 6 (4): 3369-86. doi:10.3390/rs6043369.
Schwarz, Kirsten, Kathleen C. Weathers, Steward T. A. Pickett, Richard G. Lathrop, Richard V. Pouyat, and Mary L. Cadenasso. 2013. “A Comparison of Three Empirically Based, Spatially Explicit Predictive Models of Residential Soil Pb Concentrations in Baltimore, Maryland, USA: Understanding the Variability Within Cities”. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 35 (4): 495-510. doi:10.1007/s10653-013-9510-6.
Schwarz, Kirsten, Steward T. A. Pickett, Richard G. Lathrop, Kathleen C. Weathers, Richard V. Pouyat, and Mary L. Cadenasso. 2012. “The Effects of the Urban Built Environment on the Spatial Distribution of Lead in Residential Soils”. Environ. Poll. 163: 32-39. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2011.12.003.
Schwarz, Kirsten. 2010. “The Spatial Distribution of Lead in Urban Residential Soil and Correlations With Urban Land Cover of Baltimore, Maryland”. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Pouyat, Richard V., K. Szlavecz, Ian D. Yesilonis, Peter M. Groffman, and Kirsten Schwarz. 2010. “Chemical, Physical and Biological Characteristics of Urban Soils”. In J. Aitkenhead-Peterson and A. Volder (editors). Urban Ecosystem Ecology. Agronomy Monograph 55., 119-52. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI.
Osmond, D., N. Nadkarni, Charles T. Driscoll, E. Andrews, Arthur J. Gold, Broussard Allred, Alan R. Berkowitz, et al. 2010. “The Role of Interface Organizations in Science Communication and Understanding”. Front. Ecol. Environ. 8: 306-13.
Cadenasso, Mary L., Steward T. A. Pickett, and Kirsten Schwarz. 2008. “Measuring Change - Reply”. Front. Ecol. Environ. 6: 67-68.
Cadenasso, Mary L., Steward T. A. Pickett, and Kirsten Schwarz. 2007. “Spatial Heterogeneity in Urban Ecosystems: Reconceptualizing Land Cover and a Framework for Classification”. Front. Ecol. Evol. 5: 80-88.
Grove, Morgan, Mary L. Cadenasso, W.R. Burch, Steward T. A. Pickett, Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Kirsten Schwarz, Matthew Wilson, A.R. Troy, and Christopher G. Boone. 2006. “Data and Methods Comparing Social Structure and Vegetation Structure of Urban Neighborhoods in Baltimore, Maryland”. Soc. Nat. Resour. 19: 117-36.
Simkin, Samuel M., D.N. Lewis, Kathleen C. Weathers, Gary M. Lovett, and Kirsten Schwarz. 2004. “Determination of Sulfate, Nitrate, and Chloride in Throughfall Using Ion-Exchange Resins”. Water Air Soil Pollut. 153: 343-54.