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Patrick Bohlen

Groffman, Peter M., Timothy J. Fahey, Melany C. Fisk, Joseph B. Yavitt, Ruth E. Sherman, Patrick J. Bohlen, and John C. Maerz. 2015. “Earthworms Increase Soil Microbial Biomass Carrying Capacity and Nitrogen Retention in Northern Hardwood Forests”. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 87: 51-58. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2015.03.025.
Ewing, Holly A., Amy R. Tuininga, Peter M. Groffman, Kathleen C. Weathers, Timothy J. Fahey, Melany C. Fisk, Patrick J. Bohlen, and Esteban R. Suárez. 2015. “Earthworms Reduce Biotic 15-Nitrogen Retention in Northern Hardwood Forests”. Ecosystems 18 (2): 328-42. doi:10.1007/s10021-014-9831-z.
Gilbert, Kadeem J., Timothy J. Fahey, John C. Maerz, Ruth E. Sherman, Patrick J. Bohlen, Jason J. Dombroskie, Peter M. Groffman, and Joseph B. Yavitt. 2014. “Exploring Carbon Flow through the Root Channel in a Temperate Forest Soil Food Web”. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 76: 45-52. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2014.05.005.
Fahey, Timothy J., Joseph B. Yavitt, Ruth E. Sherman, John C. Maerz, Peter M. Groffman, Melany C. Fisk, and Patrick J. Bohlen. 2013. “Earthworm Effects on the Incorporation of Litter C and N into Soil Organic Matter in a Sugar Maple Forest”. Ecological Applications 23 (5): 1185-1201. doi:10.1890/12-1760.1.
Fahey, Timothy J., Joseph B. Yavitt, Ruth E. Sherman, John C. Maerz, Peter M. Groffman, Melany C. Fisk, and Patrick J. Bohlen. 2013. “Earthworms, Litter and Soil Carbon in a Northern Hardwood Forest”. Biogeochemistry 114 (1-3): 269-80. doi:10.1007/s10533-012-9808-y.
Fahey, Timothy J., Joseph B. Yavitt, Ruth E. Sherman, John C. Maerz, Peter M. Groffman, Melany C. Fisk, and Patrick J. Bohlen. 2013. “Erratum To: Earthworms, Litter and Soil Carbon in a Northern Hardwood Forest”. Biogeochemistry 115 (1-3): 421-21. doi:10.1007/s10533-013-9867-8.
Fahey, Timothy J., Joseph B. Yavitt, Ruth E. Sherman, John C. Maerz, Peter M. Groffman, Melany C. Fisk, and Patrick J. Bohlen. 2011. “Earthworm Effects on the Conversion of Litter C and N into Soil Organic Matter in a Sugar Maple Forest”. Ecosystems.
Huang, C.Y., P.F. Hendrix, Timothy J. Fahey, Patrick J. Bohlen, and Peter M. Groffman. 2010. “A Simulation Model to Evaluate the Impacts of Invasive Earthworms on Soil Carbon Dynamics”. Ecol. Model 221: 2447-57.
Suárez, Esteban R., Timothy J. Fahey, Peter M. Groffman, Joseph B. Yavitt, and Patrick J. Bohlen. 2006. “Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Exotic Earthworm Communities Along Invasion Fronts in a Temperate Hardwood Forest in South-Central New York (USA)”. Biol. Invasions 8: 553-64.
Suárez, Esteban R., Timothy J. Fahey, Joseph B. Yavitt, Peter M. Groffman, and Patrick J. Bohlen. 2006. “Patterns of Litter Disappearance in a Northern Hardwood Forest Invaded by Exotic Earthworms”. Ecol. Appl. 16: 154-65.