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Patrick Bohlen

Burtelow, A. E., Patrick J. Bohlen, and Peter M. Groffman. 1998. “Influence of Exotic Earthworm Invasion on Soil Organic Matter, Microbial Biomass and Denitrification Potential in Forest Soils of the Northeastern United States”. Appl. Soil Ecol. 9: 197-202.
Arnone, J. A., III, and Patrick J. Bohlen. 1998. “Stimulated N2O Flux from Intact Grassland Monoliths After Two Growing Seasons under Elevated Atmospheric CO2”. Oecologia 116: 331-35.
Schindler-Wessels, M., Patrick J. Bohlen, D.A. McCartney, and C.A. Edwards. 1997. “The Effect of Earthworms on Soil Respiration in Corn Agroecosystems With Different Nutrient Treatments”. Soil Biol. Biochem. 29: 409-12.
Bohlen, Patrick J., R.W. Parmelee, D.A. McCartney, and C.A. Edwards. 1997. “Effects of Earthworms (Lumbricus Terrestris) on the Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics of Decomposing Surface Litter in Corn Agroecosystems”. Ecol. Appl. 7: 1342-49.
Rodenhouse, N. L., Patrick J. Bohlen, and G.W. Barrett. 1997. “Effects of Woodland Shape on the Spatial Distribution and Density of 17-Year Periodical Cicadas (Homoptera: Cicadidae)”. Am. Midl. Nat. 137: 124-35.
McCartney, D.A., B.R. Stinner, and Patrick J. Bohlen. 1997. “Organic Matter Dynamics in Maize Agroecosystems As Affected by Earthworm Manipulations and Fertility Sources”. Soil Biol. Biochem. 29: 397-400.
Parmelee, R.W., C.T. Phillips, R.T. Checkai, and Patrick J. Bohlen. 1997. “Determining the Effects of Pollutants on Soil Faunal Communities and Trophic Structure Using a Refined Microcosm System”. Environ. Toxicol. Chem 16: 1212-17.
McDonnell, M.J., Steward T. A. Pickett, Peter M. Groffman, Patrick J. Bohlen, Richard V. Pouyat, Wayne C Zipperer, R.W. Parmelee, M. M. Carreiro, and K. E. Medley. 1997. “Ecosystem Processes Along an Urban-to-Rural Gradient”. Urban Ecosyst. 1: 21-36.
Parmelee, R.W., and Patrick J. Bohlen. 1997. “Earthworms and Nutrient Cycling Processes: Integrating across the Ecological Hierarchy”. In C. A. Edwards (ed.). Earthworm Ecology, 123-43. St. Lucie Press, Delray Beach, Florida.
Blair, J.M., Patrick J. Bohlen, and D. Freckman. 1997. “Soil Invertebrates As Indicators of Soil Quality”. In J. W. Doran and A. J. Jones (eds.). Methods for Assessing Soil Quality, 273-92. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Spec. Publ. No. 49, SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin.