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K. Christensen

Jensen, H.S., Nina F. Caraco, J. Hansen, and K. K. Christensen. 2005. “Humic-Bound Phosphorus in Soil and Sediment”. In H. L. Golterman and L. Serrano (eds.). Phosphate in Sediments, 99-107. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.
Christensen, K. K., and C. Wigand. 1998. “Formation of Root Plaques and Their Influence on Tissue Phosphorus Content in Lobelia Dortmanna”. Aquat. Bot. 61: 111-22.
Christensen, K. K., H.S. Jensen, F.Ö. Andersen, C. Wigand, and M. Holmer. 1998. “Interferences Between Root Plaque Formation and Phosphorus Availability for Isoetids in Sediments of Oligotrophic Lakes”. Biogeochemistry 43: 107-28.
Holmer, M., H.S. Jensen, K. K. Christensen, C. Wigand, and F.Ö. Andersen. 1998. “Sulfate Reduction in Lake Sediments Inhabited by the Isoetid Macrophytes Littorella Uniflora and Isoetes Lacustris”. Aquat. Bot. 60: 307-24.
Wigand, C., F.Ö. Andersen, K. K. Christensen, M. Holmer, and H.S. Jensen. 1998. “Endomycorrhizae of Isoetids Along a Biogeochemical Gradient”. Limnol. Oceanogr. 43: 508-15.