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K. Howe

Carreiro, M. M., K. Howe, D.F. Parkhurst, and Richard V. Pouyat. 1999. “Variation in Quality and Decomposability of Red Oak Leaf Litter Along an Urban-Rural Gradient”. Biol. Fertil. Soils 30: 258-68.
Findlay, Stuart E. G., K. Howe, and D. Fontvieille. 1993. “Bacterial-Algal Relationships in Streams of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest”. Ecology 74: 2326-36.
Findlay, Stuart E. G., Michael L. Pace, D. Lints, and K. Howe. 1992. “Bacterial Metabolism of Organic Carbon in the Tidal Freshwater Hudson Estuary”. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 89: 147-53.
Findlay, Stuart E. G., K. Howe, and H.K. Austin. 1990. “Comparison of Detritus Dynamics in Two Tidal Freshwater Wetlands”. Ecology 71: 288-95.