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Myron Mitchell

Sebestyen, Stephen D., Donald S. Ross, James B. Shanley, Emily M. Elliott, Carol Kendall, John L. Campbell, Bryan Dail, et al. 2019. “Unprocessed Atmospheric Nitrate in Waters of the Northern Forest Region in the U.S. And Canada”. Environmental Science & Technology 53 (7): 3620-33. doi:10.1021/acs.est.9b01276.
Durán, Jorge, Jennifer L. Morse, Alexandra Rodríguez, John L. Campbell, Lynn M. Christenson, Charles T. Driscoll, Timothy J. Fahey, et al. 2017. “Differential Sensitivity to Climate Change of C and N Cycling Processes across Soil Horizons in a Northern Hardwood Forest”. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 107: 77-84. doi:
Crossman, Jill, Catherine Eimers, Nora J. Casson, D.A. Burns, John L. Campbell, Gene E. Likens, Myron J. Mitchell, et al. 2016. “Regional Meteorological Drivers and Long Term Trends of Winter-Spring Nitrate Dynamics across Watersheds in Northeastern North America”. Biogeochemistry 130 (3): 247-65. doi:10.1007/s10533-016-0255-z.
Puntsag, Tamir, Myron J. Mitchell, John L. Campbell, Eric S. Klein, Gene E. Likens, and J. Welker. 2016. “Arctic Vortex Changes Alter the Sources and Isotopic Values of Precipitation in Northeastern US”. Scientific Reports 6: 22647. doi:10.1038/srep22647.
Durán, Jorge, Jennifer L. Morse, Peter M. Groffman, John L. Campbell, Lynn M. Christenson, Charles T. Driscoll, Timothy J. Fahey, et al. 2016. “Climate Change Decreases Nitrogen Pools and Mineralization Rates in Northern Hardwood Forests”. Ecosphere 7 (3). doi:10.1002/ecs2.1251.
Fuss, Colin B., Charles T. Driscoll, Peter M. Groffman, John L. Campbell, Lynn M. Christenson, Timothy J. Fahey, Melany C. Fisk, et al. 2016. “Nitrate and Dissolved Organic Carbon Mobilization in Response to Soil Freezing Variability”. Biogeochemistry 131 (1-2): 35-47. doi:10.1007/s10533-016-0262-0.
Christenson, Lynn M., Myron J. Mitchell, Peter M. Groffman, and Gary M. Lovett. 2014. “Cascading Effects of Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems: Biogeochemical Links Between Trees and Moose in the Northeast USA”. Ecosystems 17 (3): 442-57. doi:10.1007/s10021-013-9733-5.
Durán, Jorge, Jennifer L. Morse, Peter M. Groffman, John L. Campbell, Lynn M. Christenson, Charles T. Driscoll, Timothy J. Fahey, Melany C. Fisk, Myron J. Mitchell, and Pamela H. Templer. 2014. “Winter Climate Change Affects Growing-Season Soil Microbial Biomass and Activity in Northern Hardwood Forests”. Global Change Biology 20 (11): 3568-77. doi:10.1111/gcb.12624.
Kerr, J. G., M. C. Eimers, I.F. Creed, M.B. Adams, F. Beall, D.A. Burns, John L. Campbell, et al. 2012. “The Effect of Seasonal Drying on Sulphate Dynamics in Streams across Southeastern Canada and the Northeastern USA”. Biogeochemistry. doi:10.1007/s10533-011-9664-1.
Miles, G. R., Myron J. Mitchell, B. Mayer, Gene E. Likens, and J. Welker. 2012. “Long-Term Analysis of Hubbard Brook Stable Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Streamwater and Precipitation Sulfate”. Biogeochemistry. doi:10.1007/s10533-011-9670-3.